Sena Ofset &
Printing Services

The founder of Sena Ofset, Süreyya Balkaç, began working in the printing industry 50 years ago. He quickly fell in love with paper, ink, and book printing. Seeing the books he produced reach millions of people and change their lives, he decided to specialize in book printing throughout his career. In 1985, he established his own printing house in Cağaloğlu, Istanbul, where the printing industry in Turkey first began.

Over the years, the company expanded its departments. In 2009, to achieve faster production with zero waste, a CTP machine was added, and the graphic design department was established. In 2012, the company invested in machinery to incorporate a post-press department. In 2017, to address increasing stock and storage costs, a digital printing machine compatible with the publishing sector's production quality was added to its facilities.

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Printing Without Borders
We offer printing solutions for publishers and institutions


Printing Beyond Borders
We provide printing options for publishers and organizations

Social Responsibility
Our Projects

Sena Ofset & Matbaacılık olarak, sadece iş dünyasında değil, topluma katkı sağlama konusunda da üzerimize düşen sorumlulukları yerine getirmeye özen gösteriyoruz.

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News From Us

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At Sena Ofset & Printing, we place the principle of sustainability at the core of our business processes.

We are committed to protecting our future by prioritizing the conservation of natural resources, environmental awareness, and a strong sense of social responsibility.
